
Cuisine Art

Where’s that guy Letterman when we need him? Well, OK, with no help from list-meister Dave, here’s our own Top 10 list of San Fernando Valley restaurants (F1A). Some are old favorites, familiar names to the food-wise, laden with honors, like Saddle Peak Lodge and Pinot Bistro. Others are newcomers, like JoeJoe’s on Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks, where chef Tom Munoz, above, holds up a creation of his, eggplant gnocchi. That’s owner Joe Miller looking on. Big surprise: a five-table gumbo house in Burbank.

Livin’ the Blues

The blues drift with blues musicians, up the river from New Orleans to Chicago, Memphis to Mobile, wherever the four winds blow. And now . . . The Valley. Forget the stereotypes--four clubs have made the Valley a blues center (F28). And these aren’t garage bands with not a wearisome night to their name. These are national acts.

Online Licenses

Forgot to file a change of address with the DMV? Or sign off on that car you sold? Afraid of getting caught up in the nets of the bureaucracy? No problem. Jump on the Internet at, download a form, print it, sign it and pop it in the mail. Its part of the new online services cropping up out of Sacramento. . . . Customers are filing 10,000 DMV computer forms a month. Spokesman Evan Nossoff says that translates into speedier visits and quicker processing at Valley offices.
